Showing posts with label Jane Austen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jane Austen. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Jane Austen Map of London

I received this as a gift for Christmas and I have to say that for the price ($8.26) - especially when compared to so many other historical maps available for purchase - this one's a great deal! When I write, I've always used Greenwood's online 1827 map of London, but moving from segment to segment in my browser can be tedious at times so I wanted a map that I can simply spread out on the table and take a proper look at. 
My initial concern was the size - I couldn't find out how big it would be or if I'd be able to read the street names. As it turns out, this wasn't a problem. The map is 27.5 inches x 39.5 inches and while the writing is small, it is legible. It's from 1806 and also features a lot of interesting references to buildings/places as they pertain to Jane Austen's books, plus the paper/print quality is excellent.
All in all, a good purchase for any Regency author or fan of that period.

Front Cover

Back Cover

Inside pocket for map

Map - 27.5 inches x 39.5 inches

Reverse side of map with references to locations used in Jane Austen's books

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Historical Romance Movies Online

A while back I posted about historical romance movies available online (for FREE) for those of you who subscribe to Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime. After spotting the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice, I realized that it was time for an update. And now I see that Anna Karenina is there too!!! The reviews for that one aren't very good but I'll definitely have to watch it anyway - especially with Keira Knightly and Jude Law starring.
Unfortunately I cannot include any links to these movies as you have to sign into your individual accounts, but it will give you something to search for and enjoy during the cold winter season :)
So, without further ado, here are my 'free for subscribers' recommendations:

On Netflix

Pride And Prejudice - 2005

Mansfield Park - 1999

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Historical Romance Movies available on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime

If you love historical romance novels then you'll probably love historical romance movies as well. And if you have a subscription to Netflix, Hulu and/or Amazon Prime, you're in luck! Now, they do have a tendency to change availability, so my advice would be for you to watch these when you find them. I was especially pleased to find an updated version of Northanger Abbey (2007) on Hulu that I haven't seen before. It stars Felicity Jones & JJ Feild and was definitely worth watching.

Hulu also has my favorite version of Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth as the irresistible Mr. Darcy, as well as the 2009 version of Emma starring Elementary's Jonny Lee Miller as Mr. Knightly. He was great, by the way =)

On Netflix you'll find Mansfield Park from 1999 (also with Jonny Lee Miller) and the 1995 version of Sense and Sensibility staring Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant.
Amazon Prime also offers the above mentioned Mansfield Park, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibilty in case you don't subscribe to Hulu or Netflix. So there are some great historical romance movies to choose from, and not just based on Jane Austen novels either. There's the 2011 version of Jane Eyre which I still need to watch. The same goes for North and South and the 2012 version of Great Expectations - anything starring Helen Bonham Carter is bound to be awesome, so my hopes are high.
Have you seen any/all of these? Any plans to re-watch? Maybe you'll find some great ones that I missed. If so, please let me know by commenting below. Thanks!