Showing posts with label The Scandal Of It All. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Scandal Of It All. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Scandal Of It All by Sophie Jordan

A passionate story of newfound desire

Graciela, the Duchess of Autenberry, has dedicated her life to raising and caring for her daughter and step-children. It is a duty she takes most seriously, especially since they are all that give her life meaning. A widow, she has convinced the world that her husband was a wonderful man, but the truth isn't nearly as dazzling as she likes to present it. Now, after a close friend's death and seeking to remind herself of the youth she squandered on an unappreciative man, Graciela visits a scandalous club - an outing that leads her directly into the arms of her stepson's best friend, Lord Strickland.

Colin is seven years younger than Graciela, but that has not prevented him from secretly wanting her since the first time he saw her. Over the years, he's tried to ignore his desire. After all, nothing could be more wrong than wanting not only a married woman, but his best friend's step-mother to boot. But when a chance encounter with her makes him her rescuer, the kiss that follows reminds him of the illicit yearnings he's tried so hard to bury. Shockingly, it also reveals that she might not be as immune to him as he would have thought, but rather ready to welcome an affair, if he can only convince her that risking scandal would be worth every delicious second.

Sophie Jordan's books are marvelous and The Scandal Of It All is no exception. It's the story of a woman's struggle to maintain her reputation and preserve her family's good opinion of her while she also longs to welcome the passion she's otherwise been denied. A wonderful story I'd definitely recommend.