Showing posts with label His Scandalous Kiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label His Scandalous Kiss. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2017

Sweepstake - Win more than 25 historical romance novels!

I’ve teamed up with more than 25 fantastic historical Regency romance authors to give away a huge collection of novels to 2 lucky winners, alongside a number of bookstore gift cards, PLUS a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet to the Grand Prize winner! 

You can win my novel His Scandalous Kiss, plus books from authors like Collette Cameron and Christi Caldwell.

Enter the giveaway by clicking here:

Good luck, and enjoy!

Saturday, November 5, 2016


We’re celebrating USA Today Bestselling Author Christy Carlyle's RULES FOR A ROGUE release with a fun and exciting Historical Facebook Hop! Join us for a 48 hour Flash Facebook Hop of pure goodness! At my stop, I’m giving away an e-book copy of HIS SCANDALOUS KISS.
There are over 20 stops on this hop and over 20 chances to #WIN prizes from AMAZING ‪#‎Authors — including one AWESOME GRAND PRIZE: a $40 Amazon gift card! PLEASE be sure to read the instructions at each stop and follow through with your entry methods to increase your chances of winning!

To enter to #WIN my prize:
➤ LIKE my Facebook page here:
➤ COMMENT on this post.
➤ JOIN my newsletter here:…
➤ SHARE this post so your friends can join in the fun!
This is a 48 hour hop and ends at midnight, Sunday November 6th, so don’t miss your chance to enter.
★ The next stop on this hop is Alyssa Alexander:
Thanks for stopping by, have a great time, and don’t forget to pick up RULES FOR A ROGUE, book 1 in the Romancing the Rules series, by Christy Carlyle:
To enter for your chance to #WIN the GRAND PRIZE of a $40 Amazon gift card, just click this link and fill out the Rafflecopter form!
✧ This hop is in no way sponsored or affiliated with Facebook ✧

Saturday, July 9, 2016


There is *one* copy of HIS SCANDALOUS KISS up for grabs - US residents only. 
This is a paperback copy and should arrive at the winner's doorstep before release day (provided the postal service doesn't let me down). The winner will be selected at random on Wednesday, July 13th.
For a chance to win, please comment below. If you would like to help spread the word about this release, you can do so by supporting my Thunderclap campaign here: 
Don't worry if you can't or don't want to since this will not impact your chance of winning. And finally, I hope you have a really wonderful weekend 

To participate in this giveaway, please click HERE

Thursday, June 2, 2016

You're Invited To Attend HIS SCANDALOUS KISS Pre-release Party

Her Ladyship, the Countess of Duncaster, cordially invites you to an evening soiree in honor of an upcoming release featuring her guests, Mary Bourneville and Mr. Heartly.
To Commence At 6' O Clock Eastern Time
On The 22ND Of July
The Celebration Will Last For One Hour
And Entertainments Will Be Provided.
There will be ebooks and gift cards up for grabs as we select our ballgowns, share our favorite scenes from Thorncliff Manor, and discuss wounded heroes in romantic fiction. 
So bring your tiaras and order your carriage, because this is one party you won't want to miss!
Click HERE to join the fun.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Note from Lady Duncaster's Diary - Secrets At Thorncliff Manor

Thorncliff Manor, June 12th, 1820

It's a curious thing...this business of getting older. One day you're chasing butterflies and squealing at the sound of thunder, and the next, you're wondering how these moments of innocent marvel could possibly have happened so long ago. Time is an interesting concept in that regard. I've known it to pass by with tedious slowness when forced to endure disagreeable company. But looking back - especially when thinking of George - it all happened so fast. Too fast.
I was only seventeen when he and I met, in India, of all places. But then again, that was where my parents were stationed and he was the man charged with the responsibility of bringing me back to England to meet my betrothed. 
Things certainly didn't turn out as expected where he was concerned, but that is hardly surprising considering the fact that we spent six months together, secluded at sea. And George...well, I would be lying if I said he wasn't the finest gentleman I'd ever seen when I first laid eyes on him. It was at the governor's ball, the night before our departure. I had no idea who he was when we were first introduced, and so, hoydenish fool that I was, I fear I was rather rude to him. He told me later that he'd thought of throwing me overboard several times during the weeks that followed. Frankly, I cannot blame him, for I had set my mind on being difficult - to fight the restrictions that were being imposed on me with increasing force the closer we came to England. After all, I was to be a Society bride - a dainty young thing who would sip her tea with perfect poise and never argue a point with anyone. But how was I to adhere to such rules? I'd been living abroad for most of my life, had ridden on Elephants and grown accustomed to sitting cross-legged on the floor while eating supper with my nanny. I had also been taught to shoot at bats with a bow and arrow - a practice that prove quite useful when our ship, the Endurance, came under attack from pirates. George didn't want to admit it at first, but I always knew he was proud of how well I handled myself against those barbarians. Which was fortunate indeed, or things might have turned out very differently for us.
It was our first adventure of many. He and I quickly discovered a mutual interest in seeing the world. We loved to travel - to share new discoveries and to explore places most people of our acquaintance would only ever read about in books. And I loved him, with all of my heart and soul. Not having him here by my side is undoubtedly the worst sort of pain I have ever had to endure. But at least I can find some distraction and pleasure in watching the younger generation enjoy the splendor of the home we once shared. Thorncliff is such a magnificent place, and if the Heartlys are right in their estimation, then the treasure George sought - the one his father supposedly hid here within Thorncliff's walls - is as real as the love George and I had for each other. If only I'd seen it sooner...
Perhaps it's just as well. Perhaps this is an adventure that's better left for the younger generation, for Viscount and Viscountess Spencer, for the Duke and Duchess of Stonegate and for Mr. and Mrs. Heartly.

You can find out more about the Secrets at Thorncliff Manor and order your next copy - A Phantom of the Opera inspired romance -  HERE

Friday, May 27, 2016

Giveaways, Teasers and More...

The second countdown giveaway was posted on my Facebook Page on Tuesday. For a chance to win a copy of Vivenne Lorret's The Debutante is Mine and Lady Alexandra's Excellent Adventure, please click HERE and then click on my page banner to post a comment.

Don't forget to follow this as I'm giving away one of my backlist titles plus one new release each Tuesday until July 26th when His Scandalous Kiss goes on sale.

And if you'd like to grab some freebies in exchange for pre-orders, you can do so via my website HERE.

Friday, May 20, 2016

GIVEAWAY: The Untamed Earl & How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back

There are only 10 weeks left until His Scandalous Kiss goes on sale! While we're waiting, let's have some giveaway fun with 10 weeks of fabulous prizes! First up, is The Untamed Earl by Valerie Bowman and How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back. I'll be giving both of these books away to one person in ebook format (either Kindle or Nook). For a chance to WIN, just comment on the Facebook post HERE. The winner will be announced on May 23rd.

Stay tuned for more giveaways every Tuesday until July 26th.

For more books by Valerie Bowman, please check out her website here.

Monday, April 25, 2016

His Scandalous Kiss - Pre-Order blitz venues

His Scandalous Kiss pre-order blitz will be taking place tomorrow via Tasty Book Tours. If you'd like to stop by for a chance to win an e-book copy of The Earl's Complete Surrender, here is a list of the participating blog hosts:

Participating Hosts

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thunderclap promo support for His Scandalous Kiss

Dear friends,

I'm doing a Thunderclap promo and would love to have your support! Thunderclap is a platform - imagine an online flash mob - that will unleash your pledge of support on one specific day via Twitter and Facebook. In this case, May 21st. The purpose is to raise awareness for His Scandalous Kiss, so if you've enjoyed my books in the past or simply love Regency romance novels - did I mention that there's a wounded hero, a masquerade ball and scandal just waiting to happen - please help me make this book a smashing success by clicking on the button below.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Masquerade Ball

Masquerades are a wonderful tool for historical romance authors to use. They invariably add an air of mystery to the story, allowing the characters to go incognito. Identities can be mistaken as a result - perhaps a rake kisses the wrong woman - or a debutante may engage in activities that would be denied her under normal circumstances, safely assured that no-one will know who she is. There is certainly an element of scandal attached, and if there's one thing historical romance readers love, it's the threat of scandal and the implication it brings with it.
In my most recent novel, His Scandalous Kiss, the story begins at a masquerade ball inspired by the Venetian Carnivale, a traditional festival that ends the celebration of Lent, forty days before Easter. It has become world famous for its elaborate masks and costumes and originally inspired the masquerade balls that became so popular throughout Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Historically, the Venetian Carnivale began in 1162 to honor the victory of the Serenissima Repubblica against the  Patriarch of Aquileia. The festival became official during the Renaissance, increasing in popularity during the seventeenth century as it encouraged licence and pleasure. But it was outlawed by the King of Austria in 1797 and the use of masks to conceal ones identity became strictly forbidden until the practice gradually resurfaced during the nineteenth century, though only at private parties.
In fact, it wasn't until 1979 that the Italian government decided to bring back the traditional carnivale in an effort to bring history and culture back to Venice. The production of masks began again - there are several different styles, including the Bauta mask worn by Richard Heartly and the Columbina mask chosen by Mary Bourneville in His Scandalous Kiss

If you've pre-ordered and would like to receive a signed book plate and book mark, just fill out the promo form HERE. This will also ensure that you're entered in my release day giveaway.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

His Scandalous Kiss - Chapter One

Chapter 1

Thorncliff Manor, 1820

A gentle breeze stirred the air, carrying with it the smooth murmur of violins as Richard gazed out over the terrace of Thorncliff Manor. The grand estate and guesthouse where his parents and siblings had chosen to spend the summer while their own home was being renovated, sat solidly at his back—a welcome retreat for those who were wealthy enough to afford it. Standing to one side, Richard watched the guests, their gemstones scattering the torchlight while feathers bowed and swayed.
Although they wore masks, he was able to recognize a few of those present. Certainly, he had seen many of them from his bedroom window since arriving at Thorncliff a few weeks earlier. But there were those whose acquaintance he’d never had the pleasure of, like the young ladies who’d made their debuts since 1815—a year he would not soon forget. In any event, it was a long time since he’d spoken to any of these people. Some, he reflected, had been friends once . . . His heart beat slowly, dulled by the lead that now flowed through his veins.
It was briefly forgotten when a gentle voice spoke at his shoulder. “Your company is much appreciated this evening, Mr. Heartly.”
Turning his head, Richard glanced down at his hostess, the incomparable Lady Duncaster. “After all . . .” His words faltered—no doubt from lack of usage. Inhaling deeply, he took a moment to compose himself before trying again, more slowly this time. “After all the effort you have gone to on my behalf, it would have been rude of me to stay away.” Rigidly, he glanced in her direction, his nails digging against the palms of his hands as he clenched his fists. There was more to be said. “I . . .”
“Yes?” she queried.
“Please don’t use my real name, Countess. Tonight I am Signor Antonio.”

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The IMAGINE FILM LIST & His Scandalous Kiss

His Scandalous Kiss has been listed on, a site where people can propose their favorite book, game, comic or other title for film or TV shows. There's an option to suggest actors and filmmakers; director, writer, composer, etc, all of which will help form a vision for that dream project you have in mind. Because really, who wouldn't want to see their book on the big screen?

An added bonus is the Amazon buy link, promo picture and the ability to share with friends. Multiple actors and filmmakers can also be recommended if someone else has a different vision for the project. All in all, it's a fun site that probably won't result in any movie deals at the end of the day but which does provide an appealing platform on which to create your dream cast together with your friends/fans.

So far, I've added three books. His Scandalous Kiss has Emmy Rossum starring as Mary Bourneville. If you've seen the 2004 cinematic version of The Phantom of the Opera, you'll recall that she played the part of Christine. Which, in a way, is appropriate since His Scandalous Kiss is a Phantom of the Opera inspired romance with an opera singing heroine.
And then there's Brett Dalton whom I've cast as Richard Heartly. I encountered him for the first time in the TV show Agents of Shield and somehow, although he'd be playing the hero here rather than the villain, he just felt like the right choice. Of course he'd have to perfect a British accent first, so...we'll have to call him in for an audition before guaranteeing that he gets the part :)

For a complete list of recommended actors, please click HERE

And please feel free to make other recommendations, to add to the list and to simply offer support.

Thank you so much!

If you've pre-ordered and would like to receive a signed book plate and book mark, just fill out the promo form HERE. This will also ensure that you're entered in my release day giveaway.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Introducing Richard Heartly

Many of my readers fell in love with Richard Heartly after reading Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires and kept asking me for his book, which is now finally due for release on July 26th.
I think it has to be said that there's a definite 'wounded hero appeal' - a hope that this man, who has been through a truly awful experience, can finally have the happily-ever-after that he always dreamed of.
And Richard does long for true love to come his way. Or at least he did before going to war and returning a broken man. His life now revolves around revenge, the dreams he used to have of one day marrying, crushed and forgotten.

Because of the scars he wears, Richard is something of a recluse, not showing himself to anyone other than his brother, his father and his secretary, while plotting his vengeance against the man who once betrayed him. When he meets Sarah for the first time toward the end of Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires and she asks to see him without the mask, Richard bows to her wishes, only to find that her response is not what he'd expected:

Watching as she made her way toward his brother with tentative footsteps, Christopher waited for her reaction — some startled response when her eyes finally settled upon the burned flesh that rippled across the right side of Richard’s face. But when Sarah halted no more than two feet from where Richard was standing, her expression registered neither pity nor horror. On the contrary, she appeared to study him for a while, her brow creased to signify deep contemplation until she finally said, “It’s not nearly as bad as I expected.”

Sarah's words of encouragement will resonate in His Scandalous Kiss when Mary also asks to see what Richard is hiding beneath the mask. But his fears of revealing himself are strengthened by his growing fondness for her, prompting him to resist.

Instead, they form a relationship founded on character, personality and shared interests. Richard's need for adventure matches Mary's, as does his love of music:

He remained completely still, confounded by her courage. “So you wish to cultivate a friendship in the hope that it may blossom into something more?” he carefully asked.
“And if it does not?”
“Then I shall have had the pleasure of sharing the company of a man whom I genuinely like and admire — one who also happens to share my fondness for music.”

Richard is one of these tragic figures whose bright and shining future was snatched away in the blink of an eye. He has given up hope completely and feels no joy or happiness, only anger and resentment. Watching him deal with all of that pain and move past it to a point where hope can finally exist once more, is admirable. 
But it wouldn't have been possible if he weren't noble and good to the core. His sense of justice is not misplaced and he does not lie or deceive. And once his heart is won, he will do everything in his power to protect those he loves.

If you've pre-ordered and would like to receive a signed book plate and book mark, just fill out the promo form HERE. This will also ensure that you're entered in my release day giveaway.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Introducing Mary Bourneville

For those of you who have read Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires and The Earl's Complete Surrender, you'll probably remember Mary Bourneville's appearance in these two books, first as Sarah's friend, and later as the young lady whom Woodford is asked to socialize with at one of Lady Duncaster's balls.
From Lady Sarah's Sinful Desires, we learn that Mary might be up to something secretive:

As he guided her forward, they approached the house and, to Sarah’s surprise, almost collided with a young lady who was hastily rounding a corner just as they were stepping up onto the terrace. Sarah recognized her immediately as Mary Bourneville, a young lady of roughly her own age, whom she’d met during her first Season and with whom she’d felt the possibility of a strong friendship—a friendship she’d stopped pursuing after the Gillsborough house party.

“Forgive me,” Lady Mary gasped, a startled expression crossing her face. “I was just returning from an early morning walk—the weather’s so lovely this time of day.”

“Indeed it is,” Lord Spencer said.
Lady Mary smiled brightly. “Well, if you’ll please excuse me, I must return upstairs to see to my aunt.” And then, before Sarah could manage a word of greeting or ask Lady Mary if she’d like to join her for breakfast, Lady Mary hurried inside, leaving Sarah alone with Lord Spencer once more.

They stood for a moment in silence until Lord Spencer finally said, “I’m beginning to suspect that Thorncliff Manor might be overrun by adventurous females.”

Sarah gave him a sidelong look. “She was only going for a walk, my lord. There’s hardly much adventure in that.”

Shaking his head, Spencer began guiding her toward the door. “I agree,” he said, “but if that is all that young lady was doing, I’ll eat my hat.”

Later, in The Earl's Complete Surrender, we find her pushing the Earl of Woodford away by criticizing his favorite book. As expected, he immediately loses interest. But since this scene is written from Woodford's perspective, Mary comes across as a bit difficult and uninteresting - a woman who doesn't care for meaningful literature.

With this in mind, we encounter her in His Scandalous Kiss and soon discover that she probably made a deliberate effort to avoid Woodford's attentions, and those of any other gentlemen, for that matter. Indeed, she has no desire to marry at all. Instead, she carries great responsibility and duty - both of which have placed her on the brink of scandal, preventing her from ever entertaining the idea of marriage.
She is kindness and goodness personified; her loyalty toward those she loves, quite endless.

“Lord Carthright is a lucky man to have so generous a sister.” Amy wove Mary’s hair into a long braid.

Mary sighed. “He is my brother. If the situation were reversed, I am sure that he would do the same for me.”

A romantic at heart with a passion for music, Mary cares more for a man's character than for his appearance. So although she starts drawing the attention of several handsome suitors, there is only one man who truly interests her - a man who keeps his face hidden.

Lady Duncaster sighed. “You may not be aware, Lady Mary, especially not based on this particular conversation, but I am a big advocate of love matches. It is my fondest wish that everyone should be afforded a chance at a happily-ever-after, but in this case, I am too concerned that you might end up getting hurt.”

“Because Signor Antonio,” she said, refraining from disclosing her knowledge of his actual name, “might look different from what I expect? Because I will likely be disappointed that he is not as handsome behind the mask he wears as I might have hoped? I am not that superficial, my lady. It is his character that draws me. Nothing else.”

I absolutely adore Mary. She represents the sort of person whom we should all aspire to be - the sort of person who can look beyond the exterior to the beauty beneath and who will risk everything in order to help those nearest to her heart.
She stands up for herself, takes chances in pursuit of happiness, and accepts responsibility for her mistakes. 
As she grows, during the course of the story, she gradually begins to believe that it might be possible for her to have the kind of love that she's always dreamed of. The key is honesty and openness.

If you've pre-ordered and would like to receive a signed book plate and book mark, just fill out the promo form HERE. This will also ensure that you're entered in my release day giveaway.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Storyfinds Author Spotlight - His Scandalous Kiss

I'm on Storyfinds today with the first chapter of His Scandalous Kiss!!! So if you'd like to take a sneak peak at this Phantom of the Opera inspired romance, please step on over.
I'll get you started below :)

Chapter One

Thorncliff Manor, 1820
A gentle breeze stirred the air, carrying with it the smooth murmur of violins as Richard gazed out over the terrace of Thorncliff Manor. The grand estate and guesthouse where his parents and siblings had chosen to spend the summer while their own home was being renovated, sat solidly at his back—a welcome retreat for those who were wealthy enough to afford it. Standing to one side, Richard watched the guests, their gemstones scattering the torchlight while feathers bowed and swayed.
Although they wore masks, he was able to recognize a few of those present. Certainly, he had seen many of them from his bedroom window since arriving at Thorncliff a few weeks earlier. But there were those whose acquaintance he’d never had the pleasure of, like the young ladies who’d made their debuts since 1815—a year he would not soon forget. In any event, it was a long time since he’d spoken to any of these people. Some, he reflected, had been friends once . . . His heart beat slowly, dulled by the lead that now flowed through his veins. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Introducing - His Scandalous Kiss

You can't imagine how difficult it has been for me not to post about this book after I saw the amazing cover the Avon art department had created for me with the help of artist James Griffin. But, it was added by online retailers when The Earl's Complete Surrender was approaching release, and I didn't want to take focus away from that book.
So...Finally, I present to you my next release, His Scandalous Kiss, which will go on sale on July 26th 2016.

Isn't it stunning? I just love the red dress and the night-time setting. Yes, the night-time setting is so very appropriate for this book since much of this book takes place after ten in the evening. Why? Well, it's a Phantom of the Opera inspired romance starring a wounded hero (Richard Heartly, whom you may recall from Lady Sarah's Sinful Desire), a heroine who sings like an angel, and a secret cave below Thorncliff's foundations. There's adventure, a creepy villain, the threat of scandal, a duel (but of course!), and a conflict so great that it will take serious insight, understanding and forgiveness for the hero and heroine to overcome.


Thorncliff Manor is the perfect setting for a masquerade ball . . . where the heart’s secret desires are about to be uncovered in this scintillating Regency romance from Sophie Barnes
Richard Heartly has exiled himself from society since the war, plotting his revenge for a terrible betrayal. A masked ball at Thorncliff Manor is intended to be a brief diversion. Instead, he encounters a fascinating young woman as entranced by the music as he is. He can’t reveal his identity to Lady Mary. But her siren song keeps drawing him back, and their clandestine meetings could be hazardous to his plan—and to her virtue . . .
Avoiding an unwanted marriage was easy when Lady Mary was ignored by the ton. Thanks to her dazzling appearance at the masquerade, she’s a wallflower no longer. Eligible suitors abound, yet the only man she wants is the brooding, seductive companion who keeps his face hidden. A man who tempts her to disclose her own shocking secret, one that could divide them forever . . .

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Writing mistakes, positive characters and a bit about His Scandalous Kiss

I cannot believe that it's already been four years since my first novel, How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back went on sale. Since then, I've had nine other releases, transitioning from ebook/print on demand, to full on print. There have been a slew of blog tours, giveaways and signings, during which I've learned a great many things. I've also grown as an author, becoming increasingly aware of what my strengths and weaknesses are.
When I wrote How Miss Rutherford Got Her Groove Back, the character point of views were dancing all over the pages. Why? Because I wanted the reader to know what everyone was thinking! I've since found other ways of achieving that goal. Of showing rather than telling and of taking advantage of the fact that the reader doesn't always have to know what everyone is thinking.
Writing dialogue is one of my favorite things to do, so this has now become my most important weapon. After all, it flows more naturally if a character talks about their emotions and thoughts rather than the writer explaining what they are - an obvious observation perhaps, but a trap that many aspiring authors often fall into.
But I digress...
When I initially started writing, my primary aim was to tell a good story. It still is. But with every book I've written, it has also become something more than that. Now, I want to tell a good story with strong characters who set good examples. I want flawed heroes and heroines who eventually make the right choices - selfless and honorable choices - that readers can admire. I don't want them to lie and keep secrets from each other once they decide that they might share a future - unless they have a REALLY good reason that can later be forgiven. Instead, I prefer honesty and trust, developing a solid friendship on which to build a romantic relationship later. Isn't that more realistic anyway? Tension can be external, compounded by insecurities and fear. In my most recent novel, The Earl's Complete Surrender, Chloe has just escaped a horrible marriage, so the last place she's heading for is the altar. Meanwhile, James' work as a spy/investigator for the king makes an attachment difficult since he fears risking other people's lives by association. In spite of the obvious attraction between them however, it isn't until they start working together that they begin thinking about sharing a future - once they realize how much they have in common and how well they click. Conversation is a great way in which to achieve this.
The same holds true for His Scandalous Kiss. Due for release on July 29th 2016 and inspired by The Phantom of the Opera, this story is all about overcoming insecurities and fear while putting the person you love ahead of yourself. It's about acceptance, change and the inevitable decision to risk it all in the quest for true love. The plot will take readers on a wonderful journey beneath the foundations of Thorncliff, allowing for an element of adventure. But at the end of the day, it is the romance that takes the lead in this book, offering a tortured hero and a kind heroine who are much to be admired.