Monday, September 3, 2018

Making a comic to advertise your book

Starting my bujo opened up a whole new world of inspiration and as I was thinking about ways in which to be more creative with advertising for my latest release, I decided to try making a comic - yes, this crazy idea just popped into my head and refused to be dismissed. So I spent some time online looking at how to simplify faces for cartoons and ways to add detail. The hardest part was actually coming up with some text that wasn't too long and which would give people an overall idea of what The Illegitimate Duke is about while encouraging them to buy the book and read it. I'm not sure how successful I've been with this last part, but since it is my first attempt at making a comic, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, though I will say it did take a lot of time!

For a step by step on how I put it all together, here is the rough text I was trying to work out along with a rough image draft to figure out how many frames I'd need and to give myself an idea of how to draw the characters in each frame:

Next, I  laid the frames out in my bujo, which was fairly simple because of the dotted pages, and then I sketched in the images and text bubbles. This part took the longest.

Finally, I went over everything with my fine point sharpie, which is my favorite bujo pen because it doesn't bleed through the pages and the ink has a nice smooth quality to it.

Hope you enjoyed. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Have you made a comic or do you have other original advertising ideas you'd like to share? Please feel free to share :)

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